Accredited Specialist - Law Institute of Victoria

Specialist Family and Deceased Estates Lawyers

Family Lawyers Melbourne

When going through separation and the subsequent family law processes to follow; divorce, property settlement, parenting arrangements etc, the supports you have around you make all the difference.

Probate and Estate Litigation Lawyers Melbourne

Probate and estate litigation is often referred to as deceased estates law. It includes a range of services from administration of deceased estates, disputes between executors to contesting a Will and more. We have probate and estate administration and estate litigation lawyers able to assist you with all services related to a deceased estate.

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See what our clients say about us

We're very proud of the work we do and the way we do it. It’s important for us to always maintain our philosophy of keeping our clients at the centre of everything we do. We believe we’re achieving that because many of our clients tell us how they felt about working with us.

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How We Charge

At Smith Family Law, we are transparent and upfront in how we charge. We provide sensible and pragmatic advice so that you can achieve a cost-effective solution. We work with you to ensure that your legal costs are kept down and focus on reaching agreement with your former partner, family members or the executor so that you can move on and focus on the important things in life.

How we charge

See what our clients say about us

We're very proud of the work we do and the way we do it. It’s important for us to always maintain our philosophy of keeping our clients at the centre of everything we do. We believe we’re achieving that because many of our clients tell us how they felt about working with us.

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How We Charge

At Smith Family Law, we are transparent and upfront in how we charge. We provide sensible and pragmatic advice so that you can achieve a cost-effective solution. We work with you to ensure that your legal costs are kept down and focus on reaching agreement with your former partner, family members or the executor so that you can move on and focus on the important things in life.

How we charge

Family Lawyers Melbourne

Separation can be a complex and emotionally difficult time for many people. Receiving expert legal advice can equip you with the knowledge and confidence you need to take your next steps.

At Smith Family Law, our team of experienced family lawyers have the skills necessary to understand your individual situation and provide tailored legal advice specific to your unique circumstances. We pride ourselves on providing cost-effective, practical and solution-focused advice.

We can help guide you through the process and will work to ensure that your interests are protected and maintained, both now and in the future.

Family Law

Deceased Estates Lawyers Melbourne

We have deceased estate lawyers able to assist you with probate, estate administration and estate litigation services after the death of a loved one. We assist:

  • executors to obtain a grant of probate and to administer the estate in accordance with the Will;
  • beneficiaries or eligible persons who seek to challenge the Will (a family provision claim);
  • executors or administrators facing a challenge to a Will; and
  • close family members where there is no Will who are seeking to obtain a grant of Letters of Administration of the estate.

Deceased Estates

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How social media can affect your family law matter

How social media can affect your family law matter

Like any difficult situation, some people use social media as a platform to vent their frustrations and share their thoughts. However, in family law proceedings, the way you behave on social media can affect your matter and how you present to the Court.
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How are future needs considered in family law property settlement?

How are future needs considered in family law property settlement?

Following the breakdown of a marriage or de facto relationship, often a property settlement will need to take place to divide the assets of the relationship. One crucial factor the Court will need to determine is what are the future needs of each of the parties.
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The Magellan List – Family Court Australia

The Magellan List – Family Court Australia

The Family Court has multiple specialised ‘lists’ where family law matters are heard. The Magellan List is one of these specialised lists which offers a focused case management pathway for the cases which involve the most vulnerable children to ensure that they are dealt with as effectively and efficiently as possible.
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Impact of probate filing fee increases for deceased estates and estate planning

Impact of probate filing fee increases for deceased estates and estate planning

Significant Probate Office fee increases in Victoria will have an impact on executors and estate planning. This blog explores the recent increases in probate fees and how they may impact estates in Victoria. Executors of a deceased estate need to familiarise themselves with these new fees and processes.
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